What are the benefits of refinancing

Refinancing is replacing your existing mortgage with a new mortgage. You can refinance with your current lender or go to a new lender. It may be a good way to save you some money, but only if you take into consideration the actual cost of refinancing. You should always seek advice from a professional adviser before making major financial decisions like refinancing.

What are the benefits of refinancing?

The most common reason for people to refinance is in search of a lower interest rate on their mortgage, but there may also be other motives. You may consider refinancing for the following reasons:

Interest rates may be lower

When you refinance the balance of your loan at a lower rate, you can reduce your monthly repayments and the total cost of your loan.

Seeking a fixed rate

If your current loan has a variable interest rate, or if your fixed rate term is ending, you may want to refinance to a fixed rate or partially fixed rate home loan to lock in a set rate on your monthly interest repayments for a set period.

Pay off your home loan faster

Changing from a 30-year loan to a 20-year loan will raise your monthly payment, but because interest is compounded, could save you thousands of dollars over the long term. If you can afford the higher monthly repayments, switching to a shorter loan term might work for you.

Extra funds for something else

If you have equity in your home, you can leverage it to pay for home improvements, pay off other debt or accomplish other goals.

Improved financial situation

If your credit score has increased or your loan-to-value ratio (LVR) has decreased, you might find a more competitive home loan.

Consolidation of debt

If you are experiencing financial difficulty a consolidation of debt may relieve the pressure. It is important to seek professional advice on how you can manage your financial hardship.

Cash out for future investment

You may be looking to get a deposit ready to buy another property to build your wealth.

Things to consider

The total costs of refinancing

There are many upfront fees and charges to think about including establishment fees, legal fees, stamp duty and ongoing fees, which may apply. If your home loan is reasonably small, it may take some time before the savings of a lower interest rate actually make up for the cost of refinancing.

Remember that the interest rate is usually variable

Make sure you look at the ongoing interest rate, not just the honeymoon period if one applies.

Check the new loan has all the features you need

Which features do you want for your home loan? Check out our financial jargon article on page 16 to learn about redraw facilities, offset accounts and additional repayments.

Explore all your options

Make sure you shop around and take professional advice to find out which home loan is the most appropriate option for your individual circumstances before making the decision to refinance.

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